The Development of Ecotourism as a Sustainable Tourism
Ecotourism is a sustainable tourism, which has a positive impact on environmental sustainability and community welfare because through the tourism sector it has many significant advantages compared to other sectors. Sustainable tourism needs to be developed to preserve its natural resources. The concept of sustainable tourism development is developing along with the concept of sustainable development. The characteristics of ecotourism itself generally consist of nature, education, and sustainability. Ecotourism is a combination of interest in the environment, social and economic.
Ecotourism needs to be professionally packaged and developed through education so that ecotourism can be sustainable. In addition to paying attention to the preservation of the natural environment, ecotourism certainly needs to pay attention to social and cultural aspects. The natural environment is still a major attraction in ecotourism development and is very influential to attract tourists.
The principle of ecotourism basically focuses on products, markets, and community development approaches, as well as paying attention to tourism objects that will be developed and used as the main attraction. Through principle, it will build awareness and community benefits so that this ecotourism activity becomes a concern for the environment and its natural resources.
Therefore, ecotourism development considers ecological elements and conducts selection in areas that will be used as tourism objects. Ecotourism, as one of the alternative tourism by utilizing natural resources that can also empower people. Ecotourism is also developed through cultural tourism activities so that it is aligned with ecotourism development which is based on the uniqueness and condition of existing areas through development by empowering communities to develop socially and improve social status in society.
The problems faced in the development of ecotourism are community participation and inadequate supporting facilities. For now, the development of ecotourism is still to be sufficient and depends on the dimensions of nature because it has a high attraction value. Afterward, the natural environment must be maintained through continuing education. The development of ecotourism areas in order to increase promotional activities needs to be done so that the ecotourism area can be widely known and there are additional facilities to support ecotourism activities.
Proper management of the natural environment is also needed in the development of ecotourism areas so that ecological functions can survive. Tourist destinations are so abundant in Indonesia, which can be developed in ecotourism. Nonetheless, the development of potential tourism destinations has not been explored well. Therefore, the development of a creative economy can build ecotourism.
Ecotourism must be developed based on the community so that it can achieve environmental, social and economic sustainability. The development of local community institutions can be used as an attraction besides natural beauty. The principle of education in this development has not been effective. Inadequate facilities and not maximally exploiting the potential of local wisdom (Example: can be used for cultural tourism). So it can be said that in addition to paying attention to the natural environment, local wisdom is also maintained its uniqueness in order to attract tourists’ attention.
In addition, the existence of violations of awareness by visitors is a separate problem, especially in the context of ecotourism and environmental sustainability. In other words, the potential of existing tourist destinations needs to be preserved so that they can be sustainable, involving the participation of the community and even visitors.
The natural environmental conditions that want to be developed into an ecotourism area must be adjusted to the ecotourism activities that are being developed so that these natural attractions become attractive. Environmental carrying capacity is an aspect that needs to be considered in ecotourism development, which can be managed by providing it at certain times. Why does the environmental carrying capacity need to be considered? Because with a wide area of ecotourism can accommodate the number of tourists who come to the place, which will result in increased income with increased production capabilities.
This ecotourism development strategy is organized according to its priorities, by revitalizing the role of the community, providing public space, and educating the community in order to play a role in developing ecotourism areas, as well as strengthening collaboration with related parties such as local governments, communities, and the private sector. This strategy is built integratively so that it can improve the quality of the environment in ecotourism. The strategy of tourism development can be done through community empowerment through ecotourism development, policy-making and convincing the public that ecotourism can provide benefits, as well as the management of ecotourism areas.
Ecotourism must be applied well with the conservation and protection of natural resources. Ecotourism can also be developed through the creative economy by relying on excellence and improving the quality of human resources. Another strategy that can be done to maintain environmental sustainability in ecotourism areas is by zoning or mapping setting through GIS so as not to disturb the balance of environmental functions. In addition, the participation of the community is needed to achieve reciprocal relations between natural sustainability and economic benefits.
This can be realized that ecotourism can make the economy and the environment sustainable. This ecotourism development can be seen from the environmental approach, community participation, infrastructure, its impact on tourism ecology, and ecotourism education. In this case, the actual development of ecotourism focuses on maintaining environmental sustainability now and even in the future. Given the importance of environmental sustainability, especially in the context of ecotourism development, conservation and preservation of green nature are important.